How do you build a strong relationship with your customers?
If you have been working in the real estate field for a while; Of course, you realize how difficult it is to get the right customer, especially since this step required a lot of effort from you in making successful marketing campaigns and cost you a lot of time and effort to outperform competitors in a huge market such as real estate,
And because this customer is the most valuable thing you have to ensure the continuity of your business and not to waste the resources that were spent in order to obtain it in vain; You are in dire need to know how to build successful and long-term relationships with your customers in general, and ensure their loyalty and not go to competitors, through several important steps:
The need to understand the behaviors and needs of your customers through accurate analyzes of their data, which enables you to know the correct way to reach them, the type of products they want, and market trends in general, and thus enhance your ability to make a successful marketing plan, and this is one of the advantages of CRM profit programs
- Paying attention to the quality of the product you are promoting, because this point is very important in increasing customers’ confidence in you and the level of the item you are selling, and therefore they will recommend you for more acquaintances and they will want to repeat dealing with you; For their complete confidence in what is offered to them.
- It is very important for the customer to feel that the product or service that you offer him includes great value and benefit to him, and that it solves a problem that he suffers from, as this matter will make him very enthusiastic in completing the deal and trust in dealing with you in the future.
- Permanent interaction with customers, especially since there is a rule in the business world that says that existing customers represent 80% of your profit, while new customers represent only 20%, so it is necessary to constantly communicate with them, whether by calls to inform them of offers and new projects or through emails etc.
- It is necessary to specify the data of your distinguished customers in the company who continue to deal with you and treat them in a special manner that highlights their importance to the company and that employees deal with them in a personal manner, as this is a very important step in ensuring their loyalty to the entity.
- One of the very important factors for forming strong relationships with customers is the after-sales service and making sure that the customer is satisfied with the deal and that it was 100% in his favor. This will make him always turn to you and therefore he will never search for an alternative.
How do you establish a long-term relationship with a potential client?
That both you and the customer feel that the relationship has become a partnership and good to a large extent, as each party finds that it benefits greatly, you feel satisfied with yourself and the work that you provide for them, and they feel confident in you and the real desire to listen to you.
In order for this to happen, there are some tips that you must take into account as a business owner in order to impress your customers and enhance your reputation as a strong partner for them that effectively helps them meet their needs, the most prominent of which are the following:
- Managing the dialogue professionally in a way that makes you understand the client's needs and try to give them to him, and at the same time understand his concerns and try to reassure him and find him a deal that fulfills his aspirations.
- Honesty, transparency and never lying to the customer or trying to deceive him in order to pass the deal; One of the most important factors that make the customer trust you and want to deal with you.
- Listen carefully to customers' opinions and complaints, and take their observations about your services or products into consideration; Because the speed of response and solving customer problems will motivate them to complete the deal and even continue to deal with you in the future.
- Carrying out the promises you made with the client and sticking to every word made with him is one of the most important factors that make him trust you.
- You must be very proud of your company and convinced of the good that you provide to the customer and that you talk about it with passion and love and that there is a great benefit that will accrue to him by obtaining it; This will encourage him to make a faster purchase decision.
- For the customer to feel while talking to you that you are a professional and fully aware of the commodity you are selling and the market and its events, and that you have a satisfactory answer to every question that concerns the customer.
- Control the tone of your voice and make it enthusiastic, strong and confident at certain times, and emotional and relaxed at other times.
- Focusing on meeting the customer's needs and putting his interest above everything, and that you are talking to him as a friend or partner and not just a salesman looking for his interest only.
How do you communicate and welcome customers in an appropriate manner?
- You must realize the importance of the customer and that your success depends entirely on him and his taking the decision to deal with you alone and that he is the most important strategic goal for your business, and that the customer is not a statistical number within an analytical report as much as he is a person who has feelings and mentality that must be respected,
- He must be treated in the best possible way, and you must know how to build successful relationships with him. When you realize that you are working mainly for the customer, you will search for all ways that help you reach the answer to the question of how to build successful and long-term relationships with your customers, whether it is communication through phone calls. Or personal meetings, clients must feel with you the following:
- Appreciation, concern, and a sense of your respect for him, and treating him with dignity and honesty.
- To feel gain and success after dealing with you.
- Feeling confident in you and that you will benefit him at any time he may turn to you for advice.
- To give him a sense of uniqueness and distinction, especially when you deal with him according to the mental image he created of himself.
- That you achieve specific benefits for him, and that you are always beside him and provide him with clear and honest information.
How do you ensure customers have a positive first experience?
This title is an integral part of the answer to the question, How do you build successful and long-term relationships with your customers? One of the most important means that helps you as a real estate company owner in providing the best initial experience to your potential customers that makes them want to continue dealing with you is the electronic customer relationship management programs, especially the CRM program, which is dedicated to companies operating in the real estate sector.
It is a unified electronic platform that saves, arranges and analyzes the data of potential customers obtained through various marketing channels, thus providing you with all